15 February 2007


Poopie Parade of Values - In addition to the short promotional bits found in between the bumpers during the Turkey Day '95 marathon, BBI also got an entire half hour to fill with an infomercial. This vaguely humorous 30-minute commercial finds Mike, Kevin and Trace selling Poopie! and The MST Scrapbook VHS tapes. Regularly priced at $15 and $22.50 respectively, the trio offer a one-time Turkey Day deal of $30 for the both of them. Not really that much of a discount. It's also a bit of a strange price point. Stupid as it is, $29.99 just feels cheaper than $30.00. Though, I suppose $30 just sounds like a straight-shootin', down-home price. Something you might expect from MST.

It's hard to remember at this point in time, but fans of mid-90s late night TV will recognize that they're spoofing a certain series of real infomercials from that era. Hence, Trace speaks in an Australian accent, they shoot it in the BBI kitchen and the three of them all wear sweaters. It's a joke thankfully lost to time. One thing they really lacked was shots of a deliriously excited studio audience. That would've "sweetened the deal," as they say.

Having just watched both Poopie! and the Scrapbook, this was a bit tedious, given that half of the show is clips from these tapes. I still laughed at bloopers again.

"It's tragic, really. You know, we could buy both tapes but we're seven dollars and fifty cents short." (5/10)

mst d. ?? (23 Nov 1995)